This website has been developed to make data on Dudley Borough available to everyone.  It contains a range of resources, reports and information which help describe the population and place across a variety of topic areas and perspectives.

To get started take a look at the Featured Pages and Recent News items at the bottom of this page, get an overview of Dudley on The Borough page, or browse through the available Publications.  The site will continue to be updated and expanded so pay attention to the News page to keep up with the latest changes.

Please let us know what other content you would find useful and any suggestions for improvements.  You can feedback using our Contact Us page.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides an overview of the needs of local residents and intelligence to Dudley Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB). This supports the Board to fulfil its responsibility for improving the health and wellbeing of all Dudley Borough residents and reducing inequalities.

Census 2021 logo

Census 2021

The first Census 2021 results showed that Dudley had an estimated population of 323,500 on Census Day, 21 March 2022, a 3.4% increase on the number in 2011. Information is available on the results from Census 2021 along with summaries by topic and ways to access census data.

Dudley Borough in Numbers

The Dudley Borough In Numbers infographic gives a visual representation of facts and figures about the borough.  It features key aspects of the area including population, housing, the environment, employment education, health and tourism. An updated version for April 2024 is now available.    

Recent News

Dudley Speech, Language and Communication Health Needs Assessment

This health needs assessment by Dudley Council and NHS partners aims to understand speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN) in children and young people in Dudley and provide recommendations for improvement.

2021 Census Area Profiler updated

The 2021 Census Area Profiler is an interactive Excel-based tool to view 2021 Census results for a chosen area, The updated version includes data for new Ward boundaries and the option to build your own bespoke areas.

Children in Numbers

An updated version of the Dudley Borough in Numbers infographic on children is now available. The infographic gives a visual representation of facts and figures about the borough across a range of key topics.