2021 Census Area Profiler updated

The 2021 Census Area Profiler is an interactive Excel-based tool developed by Dudley Council and designed to show users the 2021 Census results for an area of their choice, and let them compare it to any other area.
In the profiler you can view tables of census results showing the number and percentage of the population across a wide range of topics, such as age, ethnic group, general health, occupation and method of travel to work. There are also charts that show the percentage figures for the two selected areas.
The profiler includes census results for Dudley and other local authorities, but also has a specific Dudley focus, so users can choose areas within Dudley Borough for comparisons, such as wards and community forum areas. The updated version of the profiler now includes data for the Ward boundaries that came in at the May 2024 local election, an improved Help page, and a new option to create your own bespoke area profile using existing areas as building blocks and view its census results.
The 2021 Census Area Profiler can provide valuable information and insight on the characteristics of an area for policy and strategy development, describing and identifying areas for funding bids, and aid overall understanding for those interested in Dudley’s communities.
The profiler is available on the 2021 Census page which also has more detail on the census results and how to access them.