Glossary of site terms

Community forum: Community forums give people and communities in Dudley Borough direct access to Councillors and Dudley Council through regular drop in public meetings. There are ten Community Forums in…

2021 Census

…details on topic summaries and other census data releases. To view headline data and links to maps and data downloads for the released topics click on the ‘+’ for your…

Terms & Conditions

website will always be accurate, complete or current or that access to the website will be uninterrupted. • DMBC expressly disclaims all liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss…

Public Health Resources

…Portal (NHS Digital) – The publication of over a thousand health and social care indicators in England. J Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Core Data Set – Provides a…


…to access authoritative, evidence based research by using healthcare databases to conduct a search. We will signpost you to a number of bibliographic databases, which you can search to find…


…catalogue please visit the HeLM library website at:   Electronic resources Journals and databases An OpenAthens account gives you access to our electronic resource collection which includes a wide…

Evidence/Literature Search Request

websites and this will be emailed to you. This service might be useful if you are searching a complex topic and need some assistance to locate appropriate materials. Or perhaps…

Evidence Search Archive

Evidence Search Archive This is an archive of Evidence Searches carried out by Knowledge Services over the last few years. The searches are grouped under subject headings to make them…

Life Expectancy Quality Measures

…age 65 healthy life expectancy for males in Dudley was 9 years and disability-free life expectancy was 9.2 years • As of the latest data from 2016-18 male life expectancy,…

2011 Census

…with the option to choose areas within Dudley Borough for comparison, such as Community Forums, Wards and Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA). When you open the profiler there are boxes…