Dudley Speech, Language and Communication Health Needs Assessment

16th January 2025

This health needs assessment by Dudley Council and NHS partners aims to understand speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN) in children and young people in Dudley and provide recommendations for improvement.

2021 Census Area Profiler updated

19th November 2024

The 2021 Census Area Profiler is an interactive Excel-based tool to view 2021 Census results for a chosen area, The updated version includes data for new Ward boundaries and the option to build your own bespoke areas.

Children’s Needs Assessments

22nd June 2023

Children Needs Assessments have been published covering those aged 0 to 5 and 5 to 25 years old, as part of Dudley Council work with partners, stakeholders, community groups, schools and residents to build a new ‘Child Friendly Dudley’.

2021 Census Area Profiler

30th May 2023

The 2021 Census Area Profiler is an interactive Excel-based tool created by Dudley Council and designed to show users the 2021 Census results for an area of their choice, and let them to compare it to any other area.

Heatwave Briefing

18th November 2022

The summer of 2022 has seen record temperatures in Dudley, as elsewhere. But what effect have heatwaves had on the number of people dying in the Borough? This new report looks at some of the evidence

Bar and line chart graphic

SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy

17th January 2022

Dudley Council and Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group (now Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group) have produced a SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy to set out their approach to commissioning services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and providing support to their families and carers.

Children’s 0-5 Years Dashboard

4th August 2021

A new Children’s (0-5 years) Dashboard has been published, replacing the previous Children’s Profile Tool. The dashboard has interactive content which enables you to explore Dudley’s performance in a range of key indicators for this age group.

Indices of Deprivation

8th October 2019

The 2019 Indices of Deprivation includes the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), the official measure of deprivation for small areas across England, and separate aspects of deprivation covering income, employment, education, health, crime, barriers to housing and services and the environment. A report is available analysing the indices from a Dudley perspective.

Children and Older People in Numbers

6th September 2019

There are two new editions of the Dudley Borough in Numbers infographic on the subjects of children and older people. The infographics give a visual representation of facts and figures about the borough across a range of key topics.

Children’s (0-5 years) Profile Tool

3rd September 2019

An updated version of the Children’s (0-5 years) Profile Tool has been published, showing Dudley’s performance in a range of key indicators for this age group.

Loneliness and Isolation

7th January 2019

Visit our Loneliness and Isolation page to find out how this impacts on people’s lives and get a Dudley perspective on the evidence around this subject.

Life Expectancy Figures

4th January 2019

New figures show the latest life expectancy for men and women in Dudley and how they compare to England.

Children’s (0-5 years) Profile Tool

29th August 2018

The Children’s (0-5 years) Profile Tool has now been published, showing our performance in a number of key indicators for this demographic in the Borough.