Print Collections
We have access to a wide range of print books from a consortium of NHS libraries throughout the West Midlands, collectively known as HeLM. Being a HeLM member allows you to reserve items from any HeLM library via the shared catalogue giving you access to over 83,000 resources.
To register for HeLM membership and to search the library catalogue please visit the HeLM library website at: http://www.healthlibrariesmidlands.nhs.uk
Electronic resources
Journals and databases
An OpenAthens account gives you access to our electronic resource collection which includes a wide range of journal content and access to Health Databases where you can conduct literature searches. Upon registering you will receive a username and password that allows you a single login to access the extensive online collection from work or from home. To register for an OpenAthens account please visit: https://openathens.nice.org.uk/
Also, UKHSA provide access to BrowZine for Local Authority Public Health staff. This offers access to a wide range of journals, including Public Health core content titles. An OpenAthens account is also required to access this service.
UKHSA Discovery Service
You can carry out a 'basic' search yourself using the UKHSA Discovery Service http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=athens&profile=eds&groupid=main
You will need to hold an OpenAthens account to access this service (see above). If you require more in depth searches, please contact Knowledge Services or complete a Search Request Form here.
eBooks make it easy to access the print collection without having to visit Knowledge Services in person. eBooks are available to all DMBC staff on DMBC sites or when logged in through VPN. You can browse items that are already in our collection and select items you would like to request to be added to our stock. You can read books online or download the content to read offline at a later date. Our collection can be found at: http://www.vlebooks.com (you will need to register for an account).
Alternatively you can browse the HeLM library catalogue https://koha.healthlibrariesmidlands.nhs.uk/ where you can access any of the titles that are already in our eBook collection.