Dudley Serious Violence Needs Assessment

The Serious Violence Duty was introduced to ensure relevant services in local areas work together and plan to prevent and reduce serious violence, including identifying the kinds of serious violence that occur in the area, the causes of that violence (so far as it is possible to do so), and to prepare and implement a strategy for preventing, and reducing serious violence in the area.
As part of this duty, partners in Dudley have worked together to conduct a needs assessment to inform our responses to this work moving forward. The Serious Violence Needs Assessment 2022 include full details, with the Executive Summary of the needs assessment highlighting the key findings and recommendations.
The regional response strategy can be found at Violence Reduction Partnership – West Midlands Police & Crime Commissioner (westmidlands-pcc.gov.uk)
Both the Needs Assessment and Executive Summary are available from the Publications page and directly from the links above.