SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy

Dudley Council and Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group (now Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group) have produced a SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy to set out theirĀ approach to commissioning services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and providing support to their families and carers. It is accompanied by an Action Plan which provides detail on the activities that will be undertaken to deliver the objectives of the Strategy.

To help shape and inform any changes required to commissioning approaches and the wider SEND agenda in the future, a SEND Joint Strategic Needs Assessment has also been completed. This document explores the characteristics of the children and young people with special needs and disabilities resident or schooling in Dudley, combined with information from partner organisations such as health together with nationally published information.

You can view the Strategy and related documents on the SEND Joint Commissioning page of the Dudley Community Information Directory